Movie review: The Sun Is Also a Star
For my review of the novel, by Nicola Yoon, please click here . I really liked the novel when I read it a couple years ago, so I was really excited for this movie to come out. (Not the least of all, because Yara Shahidi and Charles Melton are like, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE I'VE EVER SEEN.) The quick sum-up is that Natasha and her family are undocumented immigrants, and the day before her entire family is due to be deported, she meets Daniel, an American-born son of Korean immigrants, on the way to a college interview. Tasha is all science and sensibility and facts; Daniel is a poet and a philosopher. Daniel is a writer who doesn't want to become a doctor like his parents want him to; Tasha is a New Yorker who doesn't want to be forced to leave the city that has become her home, even though the American government feels otherwise. Daniel tells Tasha that he could get her to fall in love with him in one day, using scientific methods from a study he read about fallin...