June 2016 Owlcrate - Royalty

I literally just got my Owlcrate twenty minutes ago, and I was so excited that I had to post about it right away :)

So let's just get to it!

There were two teasers they gave over the last month. One was that we would get exclusive magnetic bookmarks from Craftedvan:

These are absolutely adorable, and though I read physical books less often than I read ebooks, I think I'm going to need more of these.

The other teaser was that we would get a Mystery Mini Funko. And when you think of princesses, it's hard not to think of...

Disney!!! Yup. I might've squeed just a little bit. And my next immediate thought was, "I'm going to have to hide this from my daughter."

The figurine I got was... *drumroll please*


Yeah, I'm totally going to have to hide this from my daughter.

Other things we received:

This gorgeous art print from Evie Bookish featuring a quote from Victoria Aveyard's Red Queen, which I LOVED, so I'm very excited for this!

We also got this beautiful bracelet from Rich Love Shoppe, which is inspired by Marissa Meyer's Cinder (which is on my TBR list for this summer!) I'm a big fan of cuff bracelets, by the way.

And last, but definitely not least, the book of the month is:

My Lady Jane by Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, and Jodi Meadows!!!! This book is also on my immediate TBR list, so I am SO EXCITED. I literally did gasp aloud when I saw it at the bottom of my box. And it came with a paper crown!!! (Which I may also have to hide from my daughter.)

And as a bonus, we got a $10 off code form MyBOOKmark, which sells those hilarious bookmarks where it looks like a person (say, the Wicked Witch of the West) got smooshed inside your book, and their legs are hanging out. (Just check out their shop.)

Seriously, I think I fall in love with Owlcrate a little more every month.

And of course, we got a preview of next month's box, which is extra special:

Half of Owlcrate's subscribers will get a Good box, and the other half will get an Evil box (though, we will all get the same book). YESSSSS. I love this idea, and I am down for either of them.

And the sneak peak is...

A full-size Funko!!!!! I just hope that, regardless of whether they're good or evil, I get a character from a fandom I belong to. (Like, Voldemort would be cool!)

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