Cocky Chef by JD Hawkins

While my blog post itself does not contain any sexual content, this book does. This is a review for a book that is meant for mature audiences, and therefore is unsuitable for minors.

This book was provided to me for free by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for also providing the press kit with the graphics and blurb.

Thoughts at a glance: **** (I really liked it)

You can call me arrogant as much as you want. But when you're the best at what you do and have the hottest restaurant on the west coast, with enough Michelin stars to make Gordon Ramsay's head spin, you've earned the right to your confidence.

When I give an instruction in the kitchen, it's not a suggestion-- it's an order. So when a new chef thinks she can do things her way, and dares to say so to my face, even her sharp wit and gorgeous pouty lips don't make it okay.

But I have to admit, she's got talent. She's creative in the kitchen and not even that double-breasted chef jacket can hide her perfect body. As I get to know her, I can't help wanting to know everything she thinks. I've never met a more talented chef. And I've never met a sassier and sexier woman in my life.

There's only one way this push and pull can end.

With her in my bed, begging for more.

Thoughts: You already know that I'm a JDH fan. However, what I really dug about this book was not the characters and sexiness that I've come to expect from Hawkins.

Oh, no.

It was the food.

He could've written this book with absolutely no sex scenes and it would've been the most absolutely erotic thing I've ever read because this is a book about chefs, and therefore, there's a lot of really, really detailed description of fooooooood. 

Don't get me wrong - the story was fun, the characters were great, and the love scenes were hot. I would've greatly enjoyed this book no matter what. But OH GOD the food descriptions. I've read romances and found myself wishing I had whichever male protagonist I was just reading about in my life. But this book really, REALLY made me want to date a chef. Hot damn. 

Mr. Hawkins, if you ever get tired of writing contemporary romance, please consider a career in food blogging. Because I would read the HELL out of that. 

Grab yourself some champagne, some strawberries (I don't know), and this book. Have a good night in :)